Download and import Hortonworks sandbox into VM.
Start the VM once imported and open the URL shown on screen once the sandbox is ready.
Hortonworks Sandbox URL |
Enter the above URL in browser and open Ambari to make sure Flume service is running
Flume Service check |
Connect to sandbox from any ssh client like putty. (I've used Mobaxterm here)
HWX sandbox connection from ssh client |
Create Config file as below in any directory of your choice
Flume Configuration |
Change the directory to /usr/hdp/current/flume-server/bin
Execute the below command to start Flume agent i.e agt1 in above conf file. and connect to related channel & sink.
flume-ng agent --conf conf --conf-file /root/flume_conf.conf --name agt1 -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console
Flume stats |
Make sure that Sink, Source are started and connected with an active channel. (observe the above diagram)
Now, go to the source/spool directory location given in conf directory and create a sample file.
you will observe the file getting consumed immediately after the creation.
TestFile creation in spool directory |
Started moving the file |
Process completed |
Source file renamed |
File created in HDFS (sink directory) |
Observation: the file in source directory will be renamed to <filename>.COMPLETED